The beauty of words personified
Though the voice of a rose
Blooming bright white as a seed sown in soils of consciousness
Sprouting words a rosebuds
Stimulating your mind to the fragrance of my words
Whispering sweet lyrical verses in your ear
So I spit these lyrics from my lips
I am "An-Artist"
I am the vessel in which this message is sent
I am the incoming transmission logging on to the database within the realms of your mind
Poets never die when their words live forever
Reincarnating me into metaphors of poetic greatness
Yes! Poetically I’m born again
So with swift motion of my pen to this paper
I mold art into words
Words into verses
Verses into poetry
Poetry into reality
To fight again adversity
A warrior of words
To free the souls of the unspoken
The voice of those broken
To keep it to myself or share it with the world
The words of a woman spoken though the body of a girl
For a moment
For an instant
See the world though my eyes
Witness the beauty of words personified.
