Whoa!!! just whoa,
Kendrick Kung fu mother effin kenny! What a legend! So yesterday myself, Issac, and man like Blvd went to see Kendrick Lemar, on his final day of the Damn tour. It was ELECTRIC!!
Entering the SSE arena. Our tickets were standing, so we got our refreshments, and made our way onto the arena floor. James Blake was opening, and he actually has some banger's.
Then the big guy himself came out on stage at 9:15 pm and the place lit up.
From "Humble to "Swimming Pools". The set was amazing and he opened up with of course the infamous "DNA" in which us guys went OFF!!
When "DNA" was playing, and as we was making catastrophic movements on the dance floor, a shadow man figure then walked up to us and he said something inaudible but he did have a Damn tour landyard so he must have been important right?
So i listened closer and then, i heard the words (almost in slow motion) " Do you guys want to move to the front" and naturally who wouldn't say yes! So we got escorted to the front the stage, and continued to revel in the ambience and cultured sounds of Kendrick Lemar.
(Shout of to dale for wanting to go toilet, otherwise we wouldn't have been there in that moment to receive such a blessing)
The highlight song of the night would have to be "DNA" just hearing the beginning sound bite of the news reporters you know what is to follow, then the notorious
Safe to say that set the crowd alight and then the following songs just was the icing on the cake. Performing allot of songs from the Damn album (duh it was the tour) he did also perform his verse from Collard Greens! which i personally loved. A tribute to Travis Scott's Goosebumps He performed his verse for that. Overall he was a great presence and one that i can imagine motivated and encouraged many musicians and creatives in the space that night.
Now i know this isn't a post related technically to Theatre, but it is something inspirational in its own right and its an experience which has taught me allot and one that has inspired and encouraged myself to just keep pushing and pushing. Because Kendrick once upon a time was in my shoes grafting and pushing to become who he is today. So keep pushing keep grafting and you will see results.
